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SmartBallUpdated 2 years ago

What problems can the SmartBall help fix? 

*Synchronizes Your Body And Arms - Putter To Driver!
*Rids You Of The Dreaded "Chicken Wing"
*Provides The Feeling Of Striking From the Inside Out
*Help You "Get Through" The Shot - No Quitting!
*Lengthens And Strengthens Body Pivot

How do I care for my SmartBall?

Below are some tips to keep your Tour Striker Smart Ball happy:

 - Be careful not to over inflate

 - Deflate for storage

 - Don't leave your inflated Tour Striker Smart Ball in extreme temperatures: direct sun, hot car, freezing car, snow, etc.

 - Keep some slack on the lanyard to prevent too much pressure on the eyelet

- Don't push on the Smart Ball to adjust the length of the lanyard

How can a repair my Smart Ball?

  1.  Gently inflate your Smart Ball
  2.  Immerse it in water and squeeze gently to locate the leak
  3.  Let the Smart Ball dry
  4.  Once dry, dab a small bit of Super Glue to the leak (or use a tire patch kit)
  5.  Re-inflate

  This usually results in a permanent fix. 

The eyelet that attaches the lanyard to the ball broke, what can I do?

You can clip your lanyard to the valve end of your smart ball . Please ensure that there is plenty of slack with the lanyard, so that there is minimal pressure on the valve loop.

How long can I make the lanyard?

By adjusting the lanyard you can make it as long as 24"  

How big is the Smart Ball when fully inflated?

Fully inflated is about 5 inches in diameter  

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